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Current Lead Time: Fall/Winter 2025
Current Lead Time: Fall/Winter 2025

Our Story

TCTeardrops owners Todd and Carol Mowrer at Rendezvous in the Ozarks October 2019

TCTeardrops LLC Custom Camping Trailers are built, one at a time, by our family for yours! Whether you travel on road or off, our trailers are up to the task. Manufactured using only quality materials and skilled craftsmanship, TCTeardrop campers can haul your boats, bikes, bed AND breakfast all in one eye-catching, affordable package! 

"We" are "TC", literally Todd and Carol!  We love to camp, bike, name it.  After getting pooped out from popping-up our old pop-up camper, we thought "there must be a better way!"...sure enough, there was. We were drying out our pop-up (again) after a long, rainy weekend.  When we finally sat down to watch an old episode of "RV Crazy" featuring "Retro Teardrops", we quickly fell in love with the idea of building our own cool little camper!

And so it came to be that, during the winter of 2008, we built our first Teardrop.

Many will recall 2008 as the year the bottom was falling out of the housing market and Wall Street was crashing. To some, this was a pretty crazy time to start a new business, especially a manufacturing business to sell a 'luxury item' like a camping trailer.

As it turns out, it was the perfect time to begin this particular journey; camping has always been a relatively inexpensive way to take a vacation, and a tiny camper is much more affordable than than a big motor home. The downsizing and minimizing had begun! In retrospect, our timing could not have been better. Soon people started asking where we got our Teardrop from...and we haven't looked back!

After starting our small business over a decade ago in our "shop" (aka garage) and our "office" (yup, guest bedroom), we now have a real brick and mortar building, and are fortunate to have a great crew working with us!

We are very thankful to our customers and employees for our continued growth. Each new TCTeardrop that we build becomes our favorite, and every customer becomes a friend.  We love being in the business of building joy for ourselves and others, just living "Life by the 'Drop"!